The brand
Koeda is a notebook brand made by Pooow!, in France, and the products are rechargeable. The notebooks covers are made with MDF engraved and cut with a laser engraving machine.

I was responsible for the brand’s visual identity. We wanted something simple yet efficient, that would be quick to engrave and easily readable. The name comes from the japanese word for twig (小枝). The symbol of the brand is inspired by the shape of a branch. The colors are a variation of the traditional CMYK. They also resemble the colors used within the notebooks, be it the MDF or the different papers we use.

The products

The project was probably the biggest I’ve worked on during my time at Pooow!. I was responsible for the artistic direction along with my boss and another colleague. I was also the manager of the creative team, helping with the engraving machine as much as helping our team create the illustration on Illustrator. I also designed and coded the website, took the photos and edited them for the marketing team. Of course I also did some covers that you can see down below. If you want to see every model available, you can visit the website here.